For those Rahman fans out there - here is a post by a composer, Kaushal Inamdar analysing Rahman's music in his post, Rahman, I, and the Sound of Music - A good read. Kaushal's blog has other posts that are likely to appeal to music lovers.
The Story Behind नको देवराया
Something for parents: Dilemma of the Better Son
A review of Jillendru oru Kadhal music.
Deepavali Charity contest update - The entries are comng in fast and thick, and some of the entires are really outstanding. Anonymous writers are also contributing stories, so maybe even you could attempt to compose your own story.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Rahman's music
The Visitor
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Feminism 101
The Blog world has become the new ground where issues are debated and opinions formed. Quite often the debators (on an issue) would be arguing with quite a different set of basic premises, and hence would be strongly defending their positions, which would be consistent to their own premises. Unless a common set of premises is used, no agreement can be reached in any debate.
Now feminism, as a movement and as a concept has evolved over time; being a sensitive issue there are a lot of discussions / heated debates over it. Understanding feminism better is useful to arrive at the "accepted" premises of debates on feminism. Even as a passive observer of debates, it would help one appreciate the different viewpoints put forth on the issue.
Thinking Girl is of the opinion that many people have major misconceptions regarding feminism, so she has offered to clear any doubts that you may have in this regard. If any of you have any questions on feminism visit Feminism 101 on TG's blog. She has also given a couple of other links, viz., Molly Saves the Day and Amanda at Pandagon which are similar in nature.
The Visitor
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Remember the Deepavali charity contest?
For details see: Ready, Steady, Charity!
The Visitor
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Science in India
I seem to be lucky to land on "gems" of posts. Browsing through G'ma's latest post on Navarathri, I chanced on the blog of Srijith Unni. His post, "The Indian Science Catastrophe", gives an outsider's perspective of the state of research institutions in India. I found that his post does touch on several problems in the Indian scientific community. I guess that some of the visitors to this blog are from the scientific community - their inputs on his post would cerrtainly give us a better understanding of science in India.
The Visitor
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Language Localization
Raman in a recent post of his has raised the issue of Localization - how much to do. He briefly describes the issue and his own stand on it.
Language Localization, according to my perception, is the conversion of english user interfaces (of software) to the respective local language interfaces.
This is kind of semi-technical stuff, and may not directly interest many of us. But as denizens of the Internet world, I feel that all of us have a stake in voicing our opinions, so that the research community may know the general feeling about this. Of course to claim that readers of this blog would be representative of the public at large, would be presumptuous on my part :) I am sure that other experts (both language and software) would be also giving their inputs.
The Visitor
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Short Story Sequel
Ammani needs no introduction to most readers of this blog, because many of them have Ammani on their blogroll. For the uninitiated - Ammani is known for her quicktales - short tales of about ~200 to 250 words.
She's not only a person of ideas, she is a doer as well.
She earlier had a letter writing contest, where the participants were invited to write letters to persons, living or dead, real or imaginary. This was quite a success and the letters are available at Lost in post.
In her latest post she has announced another activity - completing a story that she has begun; so far the response looks great, so if you are interested see A quick tale 158. She has also announced a Deepavali Charity Contest, the details of which are to be announced shortly.
She also hosts a food blog - Chai pani and a book blog - A good read.
The Visitor
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Questions Galore!
I have previously mentioned Mr. Pregunto on this blog, as a person who asks interesting questions. A recent post (question) of his and the attendant discussion has prompted me to highlight this post now:
Is it possible to renounce some undesired aspect of your identity? Have you ever tried?
On the face of it, there didn't seem much to it, but on opening the comments, I could see that the question was much deeper than what I had assumed it to be. I hope you find it interesting. His profile About me makes for interesting reading too.
The Visitor
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Fare thee well Gounder Brownie
The Brownie is leaving India next week to do her upper studies in an upper country. If I recall correctly, she is joining University of Sussex Sheffield, UK, to do post-graduation in Gender Studies (after an eventful 3-years at the Star of the Sea College). She bids Tata, bye bye, see you.
Wish you the same dear Brownie.
The Visitor
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
Vadukut's Padukoothu
Another blog that I've wanted to write about on this blog is Sidin's Domain Maximus. He comes out with some ticklers. Just sample a few (best done at home, or, when the boss is not around), and you'll automatically crave for more.
Balle Balle in Delhi
Sidin's guide to the greatest Indian cricketers of all time
You could just roam around in his blog when you are particularly down in the dumps for a non-alcoholic pick-me-up. He has also been published. Here is what he has to say about his choice of profession. Have a great weekend.
The Visitor
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Invention Tag
Ranjit tagged me for an Invention tag - name 3 gadgets, not yet invented, that we would like to have. His dogs Ginga and Booboo have also done the tag - in my opinion, they've shown more originality than either Ranjit or I have. My imagination seems to have dried up - I've been sitting on this tag forthe past 2 days :(
Intelli-talk: This gadget would generate appropriate auto-replies according to the questions / conversations, to which I do not really listen to. Useful for situtions involving the spouse, the boss and any other situation where the job of cooking up a fast one is involved. This device should be placeable below the tongue.
I am just listening to a fast number - the mood of the music is getting to me and my body is automatically going into convulsions; some visitors are concerned that I'm having an epileptic fit, I can hear muffled grunts and smirks from my kids, meanwhile my spouse is assuring the visitors that I was just doing some new kind of aerobics. Enough is enough! I WANT The Jigger! Well this invisible inner wear, which when worn, would automatically gyrate your body parts in the most aesthetically pleasing manner acording to the music playing. Only one such Jigger should ever exist in the world!
Alai Payuthe Kanna is being rendered by KJ Yesudas, again caught up with the mood I start singing along - kanindha un vEnu gAnam kAtril varugudhEy Hmm..., I seem to be doing quite well! Maybe I should try for an audition with A R Rahman. Croak croak Crooooaak.... Hey! Who's making that awful noise, when I'm singing... Oops the power has failed and you know who was singing... *grins sheepishly*. Oh what wouldn't I do get a better musical voice. Ah Got it! The Music Capsule -just pop in one whenever you want to sing and you'd sing in the most mellifluous voice ever.
As I've already mentioned in a previous tag I'm the official Cacophonix amongst my many cousins. In this connection I remember mentioning, to colleague of mine, my desire to make it big on the music scene - and guess what he said? "Dont worry, you'll make it big, once you've been able to define a new genre of music". :(
I tag anyone else willing to take up the tag.
I've submitted HW-3 of my writing class
The Visitor
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
A Fairy Tale
I love fairy tales! ... and fairy tale endings!
Surya and Jyothika had a fairy tale romance that started with their first movie together. In these days of broken relationships, I am happy that their romance withstood the test of time; they have been courting each other for the past 5 years or so. They are to tie the nuptial knot today September 1110, 2006. I wish them both the very best in their future married life! Thanks, Surya and Jyothika, for making a fairy tale come alive.
The Visitor
Monday, September 11, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Assembly
In schools, first thing in the morning, the entire aschool assembles in the playground and the assembly is held, where there are prayers followed by a message, or inspiring story, or some such thing which the entire school shares. Reading Hiphop Grandma's daily posts is like coming back inspired from the assembly. The remarkable thing is that there is a message for different types/classes of people too. One can default open Hip Hop Grandma's blog in the morning and be rewarded with a good post there.
Most of you might be regular visitors to her blog, and whatever I say may be redundant. I just thought I should share some of her posts with those who have not already seen her blog:
Generation Gap - for the next generation family
United We Stand - for students
STRIKING ROOTS - Part I - first in a series of 3 posts - for young couples.
Was it fate? - for all
Mother Hen - on husbands and mother hens.
Where are we going friends - on carreers and choices.
Catch me if you can - a thriller
Justice prevails
Dare to be a Daniel - on Teacher's Day
To Care And Share. - on growing old together.
I really had difficulty in this post - I might as well have given just the link to her blog which is anyway there on my blogroll - as I really couldn't decide what to short list and what to leave out. Anyway it has ultimately become a random choice really.
The Visitor
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Time pass
There are so many blogs I've visited since my last post - I wanted to have dedicated posts for several themes, but am just too lazy to draft an appropriate write-up. Meanwhile, to keep the work going on I am posting a link to an interesting music video:
A FatBoy Slim video, "That Old Pair Of Jeans" (size:14MB +)- a must SEE even for non-music lovers. I saw it on the Vh channel and fortunately found the same on the net too. Enjoy!
The Visitor
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
தென்பாண்டிச் சீமையிலே...
Listening to Ilayaraajaa...
Ilayaraja's voice w/o music | |
தென்பாண்டிச் சீமையிலே தேரோடும் வீதியிலே மான்போல வந்தவனே யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ | Thenpaandi cheemayiley Therodum veedhiyiley Maanpola vandhavaney yaaradichaaro Yaaradichaaro yaaradichaaro Yaaradichaaro yaaradichaaro |
வளரும் பெறையே தேயாதே இனியும் அழுது தேம்பாதே அழுதா மனசு தாங்காதே அழுதா மனசு தாங்காதே | Valarum peraiye thaeyaadhey Iniyum azhudhu thaembaadhey Azhudhaa manasu thaangaadhey Azhudhaa manasu thaangaadhey |
தென்பாண்டிச் சீமையிலே தேரோடும் வீதியிலே மான்போல வந்தவனே யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ யாரடிச்சாரோ | Thenpaandi cheemayiley Therodum veedhiyiley Maanpola vandhavaney yaaradichaaro Yaaradichaaro yaaradichaaro Yaaradichaaro yaaradichaaro |
Kamal with music - normal and pathos | |
தென்பாண்டிச் சீமையிலே தேரோடும் வீதியிலே மான்போல வந்தவனே யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ | Thenpaandi cheemayiley Therodum veedhiyiley Maanpola vandhavaney yaaradithaaro Yaaradithaaro yaaradithaaro Yaaradithaaro yaaradithaaro |
வளரும் பிறையே தேயாதே இனியும் அழுது தேம்பாதே அழுதா மனசு தாங்காதே அழுதா மனசு தாங்காதே | Valarum piraiye thaeyaadhey Iniyum azhudhu thaembaadhey Azhudhaa manasu thaangaadhey Azhudhaa manasu thaangaadhey |
தென்பாண்டிச் சீமையிலே தேரோடும் வீதியிலே மான்போல வந்தவனே யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ யாரடித்தாரோ | Thenpaandi cheemayiley Therodum veedhiyiley Maanpola vandhavaney yaaradithaaro Yaaradithaaro yaaradithaaro Yaaradichaaro yaaradichaaro |
The lyrics, music and Raajaa's voice transport me to another world.
I thought I'll indulge myself today, and relaxed the restraint I'd placed on myself, and took the liberty to post in tamil.
The Visitor
Monday, September 04, 2006
Labels: Lyrics
Friday, September 01, 2006
Links for the weekend
Honestly, I thought that I'd give posting a miss today/tommorrow, but while going through artnavy's blog I found some interesting links, of which one (Web Caricatures) was just simply rip-roaring (ROTFL and SMSL), that I had to post it today.
What/Who are you? - Mike Reed, has caricatured typical partcipants of flame wars at his site, Flame Warriors. You can find out who you are or you could find suitable names for your friends/foes. You can also use it to abuse your opponent in future flame wars. I seem to have MPD because several personalities matched my description. A must visit site for the weekend!
Thanks artnavy!
Hello - I've submitted my second homework
The Visitor
Friday, September 01, 2006