I like to know about myself; I presume that everyone else will also like to know about themselves. Atleast it is better than knowing about someone else :).
Thanks to The Kid and Archana Bahuguna, I came to know about this site that gives a description of you based on a test. I took the test and was labelled INFP (Introspective iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving) type. Here are 2 descriptions of the type given by Keirsey and Butt. They say some embarassingly nice things about me :)
If you want to know what type you are take the test here:
Human Metrics - Free test.
Myers and Briggs - Paid test.
Will you post your type after taking the test?
Do I (my blog persona) fit their description? (optional) ;)
PPS: An aside - a colleague of mine said that these tests do not reflect 'what/who you are', rather they reflect 'what you want to be seen as'. Hmmm.. that's a thought that needs some thinking.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
What Jungian type are you?
The Visitor
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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Well, I'm not sure about the way, the world thinks... but, I think, that if even after becoming an adult, you're being influenced/coerced under societal pressure, to do something... well, that is surely an insane thing to do...if everyone of us starts caring about what the society thinks, then there'll never be any innovations in this world.
On the contrary, those who have frustration are the ones, who know their inner calling... but, alas, they form a minority in that frustrated community. A majority comprise of those frustrated ones, who want to do it, just because of the societal pressures... now it feels absurd to me, that a person, inspite of having a well qualified job, a mind of his own is still driven by society ??? Why the hell do you need to care about society, when it cares a damn about you ??? Once you already have a job, I don't think, that you're under any kind of stress - 'Papa-mummy ka pet bharna hain' or 'You are the sole bread-earner of the family'. Why do we need to bother about the society then ?? People don't understand, that their average expectations are as a result of caring about the society. Till the time you care about the society, you don't dream, you don't have passion. And, if you don't dream, you're as good as a zombie in today's world - coz. they're the only ones without a dream in this age. We can never think beyond the obvious, till we care about the society. Give a damn to it, extend your dreams and you'll definitely reaches places. My 2 cents on the matter.
In response to your second question, of which qualities I lack, as of now, I personally feel, that I've grown a lot, since I wrote that post. And I lack creativity - I can't in any way improve my creativity. Intelligence is something, which you can acquire by practice/hard work, but not creativity. The other quality, I've already rectified, so that does'nt need any further improvement.
I can't recollect, why I made that comment about right or wrong... it was very long ago, I guess... so did'nt get the context itself...
@blackphoenix - Thanks for visiting my blog. Your response has made way for an interesting discussion. I have posted my response on your blog. For those of you who are wondering about what this is all about see Harsh's post.
I did read yours, but went to bed after that. so didn't see your comment. sorry.
Visitor, imo, your visitor persona doesnot differ a lot from your real persona. I am not saying this from those descriptions. I saying from my observations. Ofcourse I don't know you in real life. But this is what I think about you. But, hey, all my such judgements about other bloggers with their real ids/whatnot have failed before. Failed means, pathetically failed. Just last week Dubukku was discussing (over phone) about how people differ in real life but how they portray themselves in blog life. So, I may not know anything at all.
All I can say (from what I remember from my skimming when I was sleepy) about your description and what exactly fits you, yes you are a dreamer.
But reading "healers" description (again now) gives me some insight into certain characteristics of certain other bloggers about whom I was in total bewilderedness before. If you care further, I can take this offline and discuss it in detail, but be warned, no details about whom I am talking about etc. etc. it will only be about you, that is if you would like. I don't need any details (info) about you either.
I am ENFP :)
I am an ESTP [Extroverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving ].
But I don't think so.. anyway..
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