Monday, September 10, 2007

Who is Gavin?

Sounds pretty much like the first sentence of Ayn Rand's Atlas shrugged. I am spending the last half hour reading negative reviews of Fountainhead and immensely enjoying myself. For all you Fountainhead enthusiasts please have a look at these reviews.
Coming back to the question - Can Gavin or GB clarify?


GB said...

I have no clue :) I was in 7th grade when I first read Ayn Rand and my first impression was "Oooohh wowww". Thankfully, I grew to be a bit intelligent later in life and saw the books for what they actually are. I couldn't finish 'Atlas Shrugged', it was such a painfully boring book.

P.S- I will start blogging soon...I also want to tell you that two books of mine for children [under 7] will be published soon :) More on that later!!

The Visitor said...

Wow, that's great! Congrats on getting published. :)

And it does thrill me to know that a discerning person, in matters of literature and philosophy, finds Rand 'not all that great', because I had put up that negative opinion of Fountaihead with certain amount of apprehension. Most people, if not all, who have read her books were raving about her and I used to think that there was probably something wrong with me.

Thanks for responding Brownie, nice to know that you are alive. :P

GB said...

Hey, I just noticed that somebody has been squatting on my blog address with the name Gavin...I thought you were asking me about Atlas Shrugged [I remember vaguely there's a line like that in the book]. I have no idea who Gavin is!!

GB said...

My new address is

It has most of my earlier posts and will be updated soon.

The Visitor said...

Hey! That's great! welcome back!

D LordLabak said...

Thats one great link. Thanks.:-)