This post primarily lists blogs that I've visited recently and found to be interesting. The entries on this post are updated frequently with the latest additions appearing at the top.
My latest acquaintance is PeeJ. He aspires to be a writer, I guess. Here is a quote from his blog:
Life is a one act play, no rehearsals, no encores. An audience of millions, but only one player, one lead. No prompts, and one solid review at the end so make it a good one.
The Tag connection It started with a tag by Rohini, who passed it on to Outsider, who in turn tagged me. I passed the tag on to Frida. Now the tag has passed to QuillDancer to Old Fart to Rob and finally to Holly. During its travel the tag has crossed several different interest groups and would probably reach back. Lets see what happens. :) Incidentally all the above blogs are good reads, so please visit them.
How frank can one get? Most self-descriptions in the blogger profiles are vague or are couched in philosophical tones. The blogger profile of Madura was direct and forthright; I liked it. It seemed to be in direct contrast to my own philosophy of anonymity and diplomacy. Madura turns out to be a good writer too, with flair for humor and irony. Here's a sample - Couple conversation. Men/Women in love dont miss it. :)
Hey since my first visit a few hours ago, I've explored Tamizhachchi's blog, and it lives up to its title Learning by Living!
News for Foodies! Visit Ammani's Chai pani. The name is misleading as it covers a wide variety of Indian (South indian) cooking with occassional continental modifications. And none of the fancy stuff mind you - all recipies are for food that you eat daily.
Relationship blogs This blog was a chance discovery: Fade to Numb. Describes itself as Marriage, kids, God, sex, life, liberty, and the pursuit of good pizza. Plus, first 100 readers win a free waffle maker!. By an american (US) male - explores the above topics from a first person perspective. Has a set of links on the same topics. Do you remember your first kiss? Well FTN recounts (a rollicking account) his first kiss here. A link from his site - I am a sexual being - an american woman's perspective. Worth having a look at. Hopping around from Fade to Numb's blog, I found a set of links which were loosely referred to as relationship blogs, they all discuss relationships, sex and marriage, from an american perspective. Caution: Some of these blogs are fairly explicit.
Have you raised a kid?
If yes, here's an opportunity to relive those days. If no, here's a sample of what to expect. Mama says so captures the trials and triumphs, travails and pleasures, and dilemmas and decisions of raising children in today's world.
Do you want to see the gory side of nursery rhymes? Leaves you wondering if nursery rhymes are suitable for consumption by children!
My blog network? It is rare that we meet persons who share a similar set of ideas across a variety of things. Surprise! Surprise!! Today (Aug 3) I met my kin or soulmate (The_Outsider) in the blogworld and it made my day!!! I was amazed that the attitudes and opinions expressed in that blog were so similar that, the blog could have been mine ghost-written by someone else (I am not that expressive) :)
And another pleasant experience was the reply of Shikha on her blog encouraging me to post.
Here is the latest tickler from Sidin.
I came across a blog by chance and there was a nice post on Fanatics, Followers and Seculars. Provided a different POV to the topic. His other posts also provided a different POV to several aspects of life. Interesting and worth a visit.
Recently I've frequented the blog of 30in2005. Interesting nick. Her post on Evolution of post makes for interesting reading. Incidentally, her site would be a favourite for a gourmand. See her mouth-watering recipe for Butter Chicken.
An interesting link at this point in time is Frida's Classes on Creative Writing, which is to start on August 16, 2006. Frida has included a number of useful links to resources on writing.
After the initial euphoria of having a blog, I entered into a lag phase, wherein nothing happened visibly. During this time, I was foraging through other blogs and enjoying myself. The visible effect of this was to be able to identify and provide links to some very interesting blogs (links are provided in the side-bar). This has also led me to interact with some of the bloggers through comments, which I find is a pleasurable duty.
For the moment I am content doing just this; I've decided to let the blog grow on its own, without me imposing any conditions as to how it should be.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The Visitor
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
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Thanks for reading my blog - I just noticed new comments on older posts.
Blogs do take on a life of their own after a bit. While some people are able to command their blogs to do their bidding most (like me) aren't. I go through huge dry spells of not being able to write anything and the blog becomes just removed and seperate from me. Other times like right now I feel I have way too much to say....and so I seem to be saying it!
Hi Visitor,
Talk about taking on a life of its own... I understand how it can happen.
Hey. Thanks for visiting...
Outsider: I replied in your blog. I will attempt the tag :)
Wow! can't believe you mentioned my blog on your site. Actually Frida tagged Bill (Old Fart) and Bill tagged me. I tagged Rob; Rob tagged Holly; Holly tagged Grey Shades -- that's 3 parts of Canada, 2 parts of the US and one part of India. Gotta love the net.
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