Hi Folks,
I am a compulsive reader turned TV-Addict turned blog-manic. I have this yen for ingesting - visual, aural and literary (for want of a suitable word for writing that stimulates) stimuli. I created this blog primarily to be able to read AND comment on the blogs that I visit. This gives me a persona in cyber-space.
I love discussions - from simple gossip to more serious discussions. I hope that this blog space can be used for such chats by other bloggers, rather than clutter their blog-space on matters not directly connected with their original posts. On discussions... I've found that the discussion thread in the comments following give a lot of new ideas and are as much worth reading as the original post.
I also plan to make a directory of blogs that I visit and make a rudimentary classification.
Thanks for visiting - if you are a blogger please leave your url in the comments of the latest post, so that I may get to your blog.
Comments closed on this post - if you have any comments please add them to the latest post.
Friday, July 14, 2006
The Visitor
Friday, July 14, 2006
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heyy there,
what a novel idea...it sounds positively altruistic :-) In all the clamour of more and more of us wannabe- blogger types hogging bandwidth in cyberspace under the often misplaced notion that we have something significant to say..:), you volunteering to not only give us a read..but try and make sense of our madnesses, is very sweet.
May your tribe increase!
Hi H_P!
You're my first visitor to leave a comment on my blog!
Oh, I dont think anyone is ever likely to visit here to have their discussions, lol. Just a lofty idea. I was serious about providing links to other blogs. Hope I'm able to do that!
And thanks for saying all those nice things. :)
I like the 'simple gossip to serious discussions'. Will you be initiating any of this and posting on the simple and the serious or merely reading what the blog-sphere has to offer
Hi 30in2005,
I did want to start some discussion; but never got down to it. Not enough time to even read other's blogs and comment! LOL
Thnaks for dropping by and for your comments!
hi will look forward to your feedback.. though I m not too regular at blogworld...
Check out my blog sometime and i really appreciate u doing all this to promote all these awesome posts which otherwise I wouldn't have known. u're ................. fill it up urself not much time to spare.
Hello. Good day
Who listens to what music?
I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton
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