Pakistan - to me - was just a neighboring country, probably very much similar to India, and I'd never ever imagined that I'd want to visit it, until I read this Pakistan travelogue (in 6 parts) by Mumbai Girl. Her narration kept me captivated throughout and gave me a new perspective about the people and the country. The posts have done much more, for me, in making the country and the people real and alive, than any advertising bash could have done.
Start here.
Thanks to Premalatha for having posted it on Kathambam.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Pakistan travelogue
The Visitor
Friday, March 30, 2007
Labels: Mumbai Girl, Pakistan, Travelogue
Monday, March 05, 2007
Is it possible to guess the gender of a person, from the way a post is written? This was a question that was raised by The Girl, co-writing Spoken Like Two ENFPs with The Kid. Well it seems that it is possible to easily figure out man-write from women-write. :)
Quite some time ago, if you recall, Ammani had a feature called Letters For All. I was looking at some of the letters again, when I came across this letter. If you look at the comments, one of the commenters thought that the letter was written by a lady, while another thought that it had been written by a man. I re-read the letter and found that there were no references to gender in that entire letter, and the individual perceptions of the commenters, must've been influenced by their own preconceived notions, based their experiences. If you have nothing else to do, Try to guess the gender of the letter-writer. ;)
The Visitor
Monday, March 05, 2007
Labels: gender identity, Writing