On Comments and responses
I spend my time on the net, browsing blogs, reading people's view, contributing my own views where I think I can. During these excursions, It gives me immense pleasure, if any of my comments is responded to. This post is to acknowledge those repliers. :)
Shikha requires special mention for her lengthy replies. Then would be Rohini- who acknowledges info given and also replies. Brownie, Marginalien and 30in2005 do reply w/o fail to all the comments. All the others are one time repliers who make a token reply to acknowledge my visit. Of course, then there is Madura, who gives a single reply for all the individual comments, but this shortcoming is made up for by the length of the comments.
The thrillers are the comments on my own page by totally unknown persons! Peej is one such person.
Thanks to all you repliers! :)
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Visitor
Monday, August 07, 2006
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Then there are folk like me. I visited here the other day, followed a few of your links and lurked a bit without posting - -then returned to my own blog to discover you had posted there! So naturally I scurried back and left a comment.
I ALWAYS leave u a reply comment, dont I? :) well, maybe almost always...but then its the thought that counts, isnt that what they say. :-)
I must say i've had the pleasure of some great reading following links from your page..:) so all your said intentions for your blog, seem to bearing fruit...:)
thanks again...
Just wanted to stop by and say I got a link for you on my main blog now. Stop by again and pay a visit
Thank you :)
I love the whole process of leaving comments and replying btw. Love to read others views on my posts and reply to them, and similarly, I leave comments whenever I find a particular post interesting, and have something to say - this has been for me, by far the most satisfying outcome of blogging.
BTW, you look like you have a strong online community growing here :)
@quilldancer: Thanks for dropping by - I really like you blog Reflections of Childhood.
@hip_prudester: My mistake GB :) - posted a comment on your blog.
@TOF: Will certainly drop by.
@shikha: True shikha, the process of communicating is truly exhilarating! :) And one meets so many people with different interests and from diverse geographic and cultural locales.
Yes, my online community is indeed growing, and I'm afraid whether I'd be able to do justice to the task I've taken up. Already my blog is a mess; I need to organise it better.
PS: I tried to leave comments on your blog, but on both occassions the comments just did not appear. Have I been banned from commenting? ;) Actually I wanted to give you a link on Love
Well thank you for dropping by and commenting so regularly. Comments make my day!
Yeeha! A mention! That is equally as thrilling as getting a comment - a mention on someone else's blog. Much obliged, dude...
Thanks for the latest batch of comments. I feel an almost guilty pang of sorrow that my "love" post actually ended on such a downer. I should make it a rule never to write blog entries on a cold monday morning, pre-coffee
:) Travails and worries of every blogger... you seemed to have settled just fine into regular blogging btw. Seeing new posts each day! Keep it up! :)
Hmmm... I wonder why the comments didn't work. Wordpress is sometimes irritating in that aspect. I've noticed that comments either don't appear, or if they do appear also, the count doesn't increase. Some problem with the site I guess.
And do you think I'll *ever* block *you* from commenting on my site? :D
I read Peej's post... and posted a comment there too... You know, my mind is now like a factory, actively assimilating thoughts from you and everyone else online, and churning out responses, or taking in opinions... I'm really neck deep into blogging now I guess :D.
I need to post in response to your tagging me. Just not getting the time to do it, but will do it whenever I get the time.
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