Today seems to be a day for posting links. This is the third update I'm doing today.
Did you all know that Pluto is no more a planet?
I can hear many of you saying, "Hey Visitor, don't feed us old stuff, tell us something new!" OK, OK it is old news, but does it really matter whether Pluto is a planet or not - apparently it does!
Shankar Vedantam gives a social perspective of what it means. For those of you who are in science, this article by Nick Anthis (Scientific Activist) might be more appealing.
Today being blogday I am proceeding according to their ( instructions:
In one long moment In August 31st, bloggers from all over the world will post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs, Preferably, Blogs different from their own culture, point of view and attitude. On this day, blog surfers will find themselves leaping and discovering new, unknown Blogs, celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.
1. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting
I selected 5 blogs that I liked. I have mentioned them previously on my blog, but perhaps have not given them enough space.
Another criterion i used was to select blogs quite different from my own culture (but probably not different from me in POV and attitude)
My selection is
- Fade to numb
- L Tart - I would have loved to include Mr. Pregunto, but he seems to have gone into hibernation.
- Thinking Girl
- Wonky Times
- Mixing Memories
2. Notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending on them on BlogDay20052006
3. Write a short description of the Blogs and place a link to the recommended Blogs
Fade to numb - is a blog which talks about relationships between husband and wife, romancing etc. It gives a US male perspective to the subject and draws from the blogger's personal experiences. He is already on my blogroll.
The World of L Tart - I find it difficult to classify this blog, or give it a description that would fit. Maybe describing the blogger might help - The blogger goes by the name Lusty Tart (L Tart) and is probably in her fifties; she actively participates in many post-post discussions with gusto. Her name should be familiar to Frida, Thinking girl and Mr. Pregunto.
Thinking Girl - A feminist philosopher. She has an interesting feature Feminism Friday that discusses specific issues. I reproduce what she has to say about herself:
I’m Thinking Girl, a student and citizen of the world and a feminist philosopher, and this is my space, where I think out loud, share those thoughts, and invite debate. I write about a lot of things here, but primarily, this blog exists to promote dialogue and discussion of political and philosophical issues through a feminist framework. By writing here, I flex my arguing muscles while unloading mental clutter and gaining new persepctives, provided, of course, by you - my commentors. Don’t be shy - join the fun! The unexamined life is not worth living.
Wonky Times - For subversives and one-act-players - PeeJ, from UK, is the man behind Wonky Times. He is also my class-mate in Frida's classes classes for creative writing. He makes me jealous by submitting his homework even before the assignment is given, whereas I am always late by a week! He writes beautifully and you can get a glimpse of 'what creative writing is' from his blog.
Mixing Memories - This is a blog on Cognitive Psychology by Chris, a cognitive psychologist, hosted on Science Blogs. Dont ask me what is cognitive psychology ;). I stumbled on this blog when I was looking at blogs on patriotism and I liked the approach it had towards the issue. A word about Science Blogs - it is a site which hosts blogs of scientists from different areas of science; the scientists get to blog there by invitation only. There were other interesting blogs there, but I liked Mixing memories best.
4. Post the BlogDay Post (on August 31st) and
5. Add the BlogDay tag using this link: and a link to BlogDay web site at
Will not do. I did this too! (Courtesy- Mosilager)
Disclaimer: I have not looked into who is behind the concept of blogday. I dont know if there are any ulterior motives behind it. I also dont know the repercussions (of this act) if everyone does the same thing..
Well one thing did happen - is totally clogged!
Have a good day!