If you all thought that an arranged marriage, that too in the late seventies was a boring and insipid affair, you have another think coming; HipHopGma gives a rollicking account of her engagement. :)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
'Seeing' the girl!
The Visitor
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Labels: Experiences, Hip Hop Gmom
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Of Marriage, Mythology and Murder Cases
Sandhya, the Piscean Dreamer, has got a job! So her blog has been rechristened from Of Marriage, Jobs and Murder Cases to Of Marriage, Mythology and Murder Cases.
Some of her latest posts:
A Tribute to the Human Spirit
Hail the Ashwini Kumaras
Sudama and Mob Justice
She still retains her style of writing, weaving together the apparently unconnected, and her penchant for murder cases hasn't dimmed one bit, but info on the marriage front seems to be a little scanty.
The Visitor
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Labels: Sandhya Tenneti
Monday, October 22, 2007
In want of being me...
In want of being me says, "Sometimes, everybody at various different circumstances crave to be themselves.To not wear a mask and just be themselves. This place is one such attempt."
I loved the idea and the blog - In want of being me.
Sample posts - Destination US of A.
How my thoughts wander.
Nothing philosophical, nothing too deep - just life. :)
The Visitor
Monday, October 22, 2007
Labels: Blog Persona, Bloggers, In want of being me, Introspection, Reflections
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
God of All things
I have been pretty ambivalent with regard to my belief in God. Even now I am confused; but reading Tharini's post on this, God of all things, showed to me that God is a matter of faith and not one of proof. Reading her post was a kind of revelation to me. I reproduce a part of her post where she realizes God:
[...] It was near midnight and the house was quiet. We spoke in hushed tones, so as not to wake her parents, and the room was bathed in the soft glow of the lone bedside lamp. And in that charged and vibrant atmosphere, the mellifluous notes of the flute wafted from the player. Soft, soulful music of enchantment. I had goose pimples listening to it. And the myriad questions I had, came tumbling out of my head and the answers that I sought found me so easily. And all the pieces of the puzzle that were dancing wildly over my head and just beyond my reach, now seemed to fall down into their respective places, and they fused together to form a complete whole. And out of that, rose a beautiful vision....a vision of God, his divine grace and his far reaching ways, and my soul was alight. [...]
I am a frequent reader of Tharini's blog Winkie's Way though I have not taken the effort to comment on her posts; she comes across as a sensitive, thoughtful and caring person - she has many more lovely posts, its worth going through her archives.
Courtesy: Kathambamaalai.
The Visitor
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
G'ma is back hip-hopping.
G'ma did say that she'd be taking a break and I thought I might as well skip the commercials in the mean time; but to my dismay she has not only returned but has also come up with 4 posts since! For a person who needs the daily dose of Kolangal, I was almost in tears. :( But thank God being late to see posts isn't as serious as missing an episode about Abhi's latest problems; one is at least able to have access to the posts. Here are some that I liked which happen to be a couple of philosophical questions:
Is being good bad?
Does candor pay?
Welcome back G'ma; Happy 'hip-hop'-ing.
The Visitor
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Labels: Hip Hop Gmom
Friday, October 05, 2007
Welcome back!
Quite a few of my blogging buddies seemed to have gone into hibernation and slowly they are getting back; it could also be that I haven't been visiting their blogs as much as before. :( Sorry folks.
Here is what they have blogged on recently:
Shikha - An end to the hiatus - Part 1 - Does she mean that part-1 of the hiatus is over and another one is in the offing? ;-)
She describes the wonders of traveling in Europe.
Raman - Even this regular blogger seemed to have gone into a shell - what with his marital duties and trying to get a good name from the wifey, I don't blame him. ;-)
Now he seems to got out her clutches and has posted quite a few posts:
Deprivation Syndrome - or the sour grapes reaction.
GPL for dummies - a non-techie explanation of the meaning of the GPL license of software - even I understood.
Brownie- has 2 posts since her return:
World cup - she discusses the 2020 World cup win by India in her characteristic style.
She has another post, laced with her brand of humor, - Ignore this - where one can feel her sense of ennui after her return from England.
Boo - back to her blogging duties after a break of nearly 4 weeks has a new template. She records the darndest things that kids say. She seems to have had a whale of a time in Madras and is now back in Zurich, confused about how she is going to catch up with all the reading that she has to do in blogosphere. PS: She has to take an exam on this shortly. All the best Boo. ;-)
I know this is a poor effort, because all of you would have already read these posts, but the doctor has prescribed that I need to necessarily persevere and be active, if I am to get out this feeling of indolence.
Will come back with more from blogging buddies.
The Visitor
Friday, October 05, 2007
An Awww... Post :)
An "Awww... post" from srini_vas.
Courtesy: RKVS Raman - Quarterly Report.
The Visitor
Friday, October 05, 2007
Labels: Family, Life, Marriage, Relationships, srini_vas
Blog Interviewer
Deepa, whom we know as the person who knows a lot about adding widgets and things like that to make one's blog look swankier has recently been interviewed by Blog Interviewer. Besides the template-tips blog she also hosts a poetry blog - Appreciating Poetry. Please have a look at her interview to Blog Interviewer.
The Visitor
Friday, October 05, 2007
Labels: Blog Interviewer, Bloggers, Blogging, Blogs, Deepa Govind
Monday, September 24, 2007
A random note from a Pakistani diary
Read one of Bubbles' random thoughts.
And this part About her struck a chord:
My views on everything and everyone change so continuously that I think I need this blog just to remember how I was feeling about something a week ago.
PS: Bubbles sounds so much more positive and better than confused babbler. :)
The Visitor
Monday, September 24, 2007
Labels: Bubbles, Diary, Reflections
How to get a driving license
Tintin recounts his experience while trying to get a driving license - mighty useful for DL aspirants.
Learners license
Driver's license-1, DL-2 and DL-3.
Tintin has an interesting blog, aptly called Reflections, as he does reflect on life.
The Visitor
Monday, September 24, 2007
Labels: Experiences, Reflections, Tintin
Nice place to be
Getting rid of my blues...
Pri's post on Airlines Hotel and her links to Preeth's posts, Nice place to be-1 and 2 have helped me get back on my feet. Bangaloreans would identify with these posts.
Tata. :)
The Visitor
Monday, September 24, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Brownie is back!
The abdicating / absconding / whatever Brownie is back, although at a different address. :) Now I have to update all the old links. *sigh*
Many of her older posts are available, but the chronological order of the posts is lost. Oh, we can't have everything can we?
The Visitor
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Labels: Brownie
Monday, September 10, 2007
Who is Gavin?
Sounds pretty much like the first sentence of Ayn Rand's Atlas shrugged. I am spending the last half hour reading negative reviews of Fountainhead and immensely enjoying myself. For all you Fountainhead enthusiasts please have a look at these reviews.
Coming back to the question - Can Gavin or GB clarify?
The Visitor
Monday, September 10, 2007
Labels: Atlas shrugged, Ayn Rand, Brownie, Fountainhead, Gavin
Sunday, September 09, 2007
For Book-lovers
There is this site, Shelfari, which a friend of mine introduced me to. It is a social networking site that aims to bring together people with a passion of books. (Pingu, are you reading this?)
It facilitates
- creating your own cyber-bookshelf (Jay - you have your own library, right?)
- creating a network of friends
- reviewing books (Brownie, Manasi, Madura, Peej, Frida and others)
- exchanging messages with friends and others about books (Vishesh)
- and probably many more things.
Its a great site for book-lovers. I don't know if there are any other similar sites to do a comparison.
Links to some interesting pages:
Abha-Interesting set of quotes about words in her profile page.
A random page of reviews of Rohinton Mistry's - A Fine Balance.
PS: The site sometimes is quite slow and probably has a few bugs.
The Visitor
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Labels: Books, Shelfari, Virtual library
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Collective failure of society
Collective failure of society reminds me of the story of four people: Everybody,
Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There are different versions of the story. This might look like a funny read, but on reflection one is likely to see the tragic outcomes of this attitude as is revealed in a number of instances.
Arunn expresses his anguish at one such instance that he came across in his post - Sad but true.
Mridula records two such incidents in her posts -
A Tragic Death at IIT Kanpur.
More deaths at IITK.
Can we do something about it?
The Visitor
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Labels: Arunn Narasimhan, Mridula, nOnoscience, Society