The Brownie has awarded me the Thinking Blogger Award! Its quite an honour - no, I am not referring to 'getting the award' part, but to the 'who gave it to me' part. Thanks GB. :)
GB has already 'claimed' one blogger from my list, apart from GB herself. But that doesn't matter - there are a large number of bloggers who have made think. I would have liked to cite more than the stipulated 5 bloggers to whom I am passing this meme, but I will stick to the rules.
By the power vested in me, I hereby confer the Thinking Blogger Award to:
Raman - He almost always says things, that is not the 'normal' way of looking at things. He begins by demolishing your own set of assumptions, creates a framework with his set of beliefs and assumptions and makes his point(s), which now seem to make sense. If there is anything that I learnt from his posts, it is being open to alternate viewpoints.
Hip Hop Grandmom - A person from the old guard, open to new thoughts, equally at ease with the young and the old, she is the symbol of stability in this fast changing world. Her posts and comments give solace to the generation that is caught between the two worlds.
Vishesh - A person from the generation to come, surprisingly, talks like an old person, having beliefs of an older generation. He has a wide range of blog interests, as is evidenced by the number of blogs in which he is a co-writer. Has a wide network of friends in blogosphere, and is a keen commenter in many, many blogs.
Itchy or Itching to write blogs - is a person from the present generation, has energy levels that amaze me no end. She is a working mom, looks after twins - her daily routine would send anyone into a tizzy - and a prolific blogger. Her lists, and now, her factual fiction series, are famous amongst her readers.
Rohini - another working mom and a mom-blogger, writes of her experiences in raising her child, coupled with the pressures of her job. She effectively communicates her emotions and feelings involved in the process; for all that her posts are well researched, balanced and cogently presented, revealing the academic in her.
To the five I've tagged, if you choose to pass it on, these are the Thinking Blogger Award rules:
This award was started here. You have to award five others whose blog you think deserve this award. Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging.
The participation rules are simple:
If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all — blogs that really get you thinking!