Monday, January 22, 2007

An Interesting Experiment

I read RKVS Raman's blog, because quite often he gives quite different perspectives of life and one's attitude to life. In his most recent post, The Game of Giving,he describes an experiment done by a friend of his (the results are not yet out).

He has numerous thought provoking posts, a few of which I present here:

Open Intentions Initiative

Riding with the drizzling cloud

The Experience Capsule Technology

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lurking, Delurking and Comments Policy

Boos recent post, Here's to more comments prompted me to write this post. She writes about lurkers and the move to delurk them. Read about it on her post.

I myself love to have comments to my posts and also responses to my comments. :)

In my travels across the blogworld, I've come across some interesting Comment policies. I did think that some of them were interesting reads by themselves. Unfortunately I did not keep a tab on the sites.

Here are some that I can recall:

Here's what Shelly has on her blog Retrospectacle
Commenter Policy:
I love constructive comments! However, I reserve the right to delete comments that abuse this forum. Voicing your opinions is great, just be respectful. :D
She also asks a question: Is Commenting a Right?

Kevin Vranes of No Se Nada has this comment policy

Mike the Mad Biologist says: Comment policy: say what you want, but back it up with an email address. I don't like anonymous trolls.

Razib of Gene expression has this comment policy

Many of the above were from scienceblogs. Now here's one with a religious background

One of the most comprehensive comment policies that I have seen is that of Thinking Girl.

The Darwiniana comment policy states that good comments may be converted into separate posts! That's nice.

How about your own comment policy?

In case you don't have one - here's a post on developing a blog comment policy.

Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive survey of all possible blog policies. Most were from Scienceblogs and random selections based on a search of blogs using the search string Comment policy

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


This post of Emily's was so powerful, that I couldn't help putting it up as a separate post - Me First.